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    Due to changing needs and technologies, the SMT Executive Board has decided to retire SMT Discuss (effective Nov. 9, 2021). Posts will be preserved for archival purposes, but new posts and replies are no longer permitted.

    SMT Discuss has a new URL

    Please note that SMT Discuss has been moved to a new, permanent location at: https://discuss.societymusictheory.org. You will not need to re-register or repost any content. 

    All of the content from the old site has been transferred over to the new site (which is now more secure and more robust), and all links to the old site (www.mtosmt.org/smtdiscuss) should automatically be forwarded to this new location. 

    SMT Discuss emails are now being sent through a professional email server (Mandrill), which should elminate most of our previous email delivery problems. If you are not receiving email notifications from SMT Discuss (and your notification preferences are set in such a way that you should be receiving some), please check your spam / junk folder and allow this new sender (which may show up as <smtdiscuss@mail134-16.atl141.mandrillapp.com>). 

    If you have any technical difficulties with the site, feel free to contact the SMT Discuss manager at smtdiscuss@societymusictheory.org

    Thank you

    SMT Discuss Manager
    Somewhere in the Universe
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