Due to changing needs and technologies, the SMT Executive Board has decided to retire SMT Discuss (effective Nov. 9, 2021). Posts will be preserved for archival purposes, but new posts and replies are no longer permitted.
"Should music theory programs be teaching third-wave anti-racism as an essential part of music theory education?"
Of course they shouldn't. But one of the indicators of the religious character of Woke-ism is that it sets itself above and before all …
Nicolas Meeùs:
"It does not suffice to mention the necessity to "reframe" music theory, nor to claim that there is so much music besides Western music, nor to argue that non Western theories should replace ours. We should question what these sugge…
I associate myself with the comments of Nicolas Meeùs. Further, I would add that Ewell's argument is ahistorical, doesn't bear up under scrutiny on purely theoretical and analytical grounds, and, given the current moral panic over race and 'whitenes…
Carson Farley's mention of polytonality suggests one way to generate dissonant counterpoint in tonal contexts. So, writings by and analyses of Milhaud and the many composers working in tonal layers (see e.g., Britten) in the first forty years of the…
More than the question of appropriate analytical terminology for Horner's polyphonic writing, I'm curious about the implications of the language you use in formulating your question. For instance, when you say, "a melody is opposed by a coun…
Space will have to be made for rhythm study in the undergraduate degree program, as part (I would think) of the theory sequence. For an example of what is possible, see the rhythm pedagogy of composer Jacob Adler whose been successfully teaching adv…
The subject of hybrid themes in general is interesting. I use William Caplin's categories but also augment them with more recent thinking that (I think) builds on his work.
I have been particularly challenged by my research interest--the chamber mus…
I sense a significant and growing consensus for broad changes to the curriculum of music schools. The three core emphases, creativity, diversity, and integration, are needed. The problem is, of course, how to implement the changes. First, one must u…
Everything makes an impact in one way or another. If there is a negative impact of our curriculum, it's part of a wider institutional/political/cultural problem. This is evidenced by the ever-widening divide between what music theory we teach to fut…