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    Dimitar Ninov's Article "Functional Nature of The Cadential Six-Four" Available Online

    Dear Colleagues,

    It is my pleasure to announce that my theoretical article "Functional Nature of The Cadential Six-Four" from 2016 is now available on-line in Musicological Annual. Two new articles of mine will be published by the end of this month, one in this journal, and one in another journal. I hope you will enjoy this essay which argues that the Cad. 6/4 is not a mere V chord with two non-chord tones, but much more than that, including the possibility of fusing with a passing tonic six-four on a strong beat. Here is the link:

    Dimitar Ninov, "Finctional Nature of The Cadential Six-Four". Musicological Annual Vol. 52 No. 1 (2016), pp. 73-96



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