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Due to changing needs and technologies, the SMT Executive Board has decided to retire SMT Discuss (effective Nov. 9, 2021). Posts will be preserved for archival purposes, but new posts and replies are no longer permitted.



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Affliation or Location
Middle Tennessee State University
Research Interests
popular music, empirical musicology, music technology


  • Hi, Gary. Dan's advice is good. I'll add that it's nice to have a good keyboard visualizer. I've used VMPK, even though Garage Band or Logic is generating the actual sound. (The Logic keyboard window does a poor job of highlighting keys, IMHO.) Zoom…
  • Hi, Zac.  Have you read the 2018 JMTP article by Cora Palfy and Eric Gilson? If so, I recommend it. Although it won't answer the particular question you're asking, it highlights the fact that the topics we cover in our theory classes highly predispo…
  • Hi Marty, I tend to think of it along the lines of your second explanation, i.e., as a tritone sub (or altered tritone sub) for the V7 of IV. This 1–b5-4 bass motion seems fairly common in R&B, such as in the beginning of "Mr. Telephone Man" by …
  • I'll put another vote towards the 1-e-&-a system. The only trick is differentiating between the beat location "a" and the letter "a". There are some easy ways to solve that: You could capitalize the "e" and the "a", put the letters in bold, put …
  • I think you might be a statistical outlier, John, in that you've had much success at national and international conferences but not at regional conferences. (I suppose that depends largely on your region.) But I don't think I'm an outlier for having…
  • You've hit the nail on the head, Devin. The low acceptance rate means that the program committee has to inherently reject proposals that look like they would be good papers. Poundie's point on his blog (point 1 from his Dec. 23, 2015 post) that a pr…
  • Poundie, I really, really, really do appreciate your desire to help people craft the best proposals possible and your open-door policy for that. Just to clarify, I have in the past sent SMT proposals to other, more senior scholars for feedback, and …
  • Great points, Mitch, and I agree with all of them, especially the idea of dramatically increasing the program committee and having papers read by more specialists than non-specialists. But the acceptance rate is the biggest problem, I think. If ther…
  • Danny, Yes, as someone who has admittedly presented a slapdash lightning talk at an interest group, I know about the guidelines with regard to how to cite interest group presentations differently on one's CV than a main program paper. (Interest grou…
  • Mark, You're definitely right that we should not let our SMT rejections get the better of us, and  that instead we should focus on our successes in other areas. But come on, the national meeting is the one time we all have a chance to get together a…
  • Brad, I doubt the reason you are not having wild success with solo SMT proposals  is because you are better at writing something than proposing something. I think the low acceptance rate has us all doubting ourselves, when what we should be doubting…
  • Keith, It seems that research needs to be at a pretty advanced, developed, and polished stage to be accepted by SMT, considering the low acceptance rate. Based on that, last year I figured I would try submitting a proposal for a paper that I was als…
  • Hi Tim, Perhaps you might also consider Bob Snyder's book "Music and Memory." It was written with a somewhat similar goal. David Huron's "Sweet Anticipation" might also be worth considering.  And of course, Justin London's "Hearing in Time" seems re…
  • Interesting idea, Tim.  Some follow-up comments, questions, and thoughts: #1) Playing a new string arrangement along with the original lead vocal and guitar would be very easy, since the strings are hard-panned in the left channel.  So if you play b…
  • Gary Karpinski's Dictation Manual seems like an obvious option: http://www.amazon.com/Manual-Ear-Training-Sight-Singing/dp/0393976637/ http://people.umass.edu/music114/ManualAudioFiles.htm I found it very useful when I taught at Hofstra. Best, Trevo…
  • Not sure if it counts, by the theme song to the TV show "The Walking Dead" goes Gm9, Ebm9, Cm9, and then back to Gm9.   I'm sure there is a Radiohead song that uses mediant-related minor chords.  Where's Brad Osborn?