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  • Good question! I can only speak for myself, but as a reviewer, once I get started with a submission, it really only takes a few weeks to read something deeply enough to provide feedback—less time in the summer months. MTO's two-month policy seems re…
  • Hi Rick, At the risk of coming across as defensive or incendiary (please understand, I'm really not coming from places like that at all), I wonder what new pedagogical insight on rhythm or meter you could provide . . .  especially at the indergradua…
  • Yes, this is something I touch upon in an article I published in the Journal of Jazz Studies in 2012. There, I'm discussing a jazz tune (or two?) that symmetrically spell out ordered step collections in Bb and Gb major. At the time I was writing the…
  • Hi Carla The last time I had a dyslexic student who really struggled, we had to try a lot of things. In dictation, encouraging 'chunking' (as someone else has already recommened) is definitely the way to go. Yes, there were clear problems with memor…
  • Yes, I heard this on the radio last week! Just when I was marveling at how interdisciplinary our field was—noting how much we benefit from insights made in other fields, but also wondering how often things went the other way (that is, when other dis…
  • Hi Mitch. Good question. I'll throw in with Robert and Brent, further agreeing that most audiences–including non-readers of music–will be able to grasp it quickly. I'll only add that with such a clear system for discussing rhythm and some musical ex…
  • Ok. Interesting point, Trevor. I do sometimes wonder how our method of selecting papers through a single program committee (developed when SMT was much, much smaller, I think) compares to the selection process of other academic societies in the huma…